on 30 August, 2011

Engineer-Procurement at Waaree

Dharav Kothwala

  • Graduation college: D.J. Sanghvi College of Engineering
  • Stream: Electronics
  • Graduation aggregate: 68%
  • Standout Quality: Strong basic engineering fundas and good communication skills.

Applied for: Infosys, Tata Consultancy Services, Topaz, Waaree Energies Pvt. Ltd
Jobs offered: Waaree Energies Pvt. Ltd
Job accepted: Waaree Energies Pvt. Ltd


Interview experience: It was hardcore technical interview. I could answer most of the stuff and it was very much pertaining to the stuff I wanted to do. It was a test of knowledge, you know it or you don’t.


What I do:

  • Posted: in Mumbai
  • Designation: Engineer-Procurement


Job Description:

Worked as a trainee for 3 months where i got a lot of exposure as a site engineer. I also got an idea of the techno-commercial aspect of the business. Currently I am taking care of procurement of - Raw materials for making solar modules (Basically imports) / maintenance and Quality Tools.


Experience at Work:

It has been great. I had always wanted to work in a core company I am getting to work in one here.


Advice to the juniors:

Do what you like rather than following the herd. You also need to be patient and be willing to settle at a bit lesser pay package, but you will get good satisfaction.

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